My Process Begins
Steve Lloyd Steve Lloyd

My Process Begins

Driftwood is a remarkable thing. It has provided humans with shelter, warmth, and tools for thousands of years.

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Steve Lloyd Steve Lloyd


I select and gather all the materials used in each driftwood sculpture myself. Almost all of it comes from the beaches of northwestern Prince William Sound.

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Inspiration and Composition
Steve Lloyd Steve Lloyd

Inspiration and Composition

I let my ideas for a new sculpture be guided by what I've seen during countless beach walks. How would these sticks look if they had just been tossed up by a storm?

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Transport, Curing & Sorting
Steve Lloyd Steve Lloyd

Transport, Curing & Sorting

From Prince William Sound, Alaska, to my studio on Fidalgo Island, Washington, collecting driftwood, loading them on a boat is the first step in a long journey.

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